Analysis by Location

By Dyske    August 30th, 2001

Here is the accuracy result by location. The percentage number represents the accuracy. 100% being everyone getting everything right and 0% being everyone getting everything wrong. Keep in mind that if everyone picked randomly, 33.33% would be the result.

This list only contains locations that had more than 100 test takers, which means that those locations that are not listed here are not necessarily better or worse than the ones listed here.

1 46.86% Korea
2 45.10% Hawaii
3 44.35% New York
4 44.35% Taiwan
5 44.28% China
6 43.80% Hong Kong S.A.R.
7 43.46% Japan
8 43.22% California
9 43.17% Alaska
10 42.56% American Samoa
11 41.98% New Jersey
12 41.98% Nebraska
13 41.73% Arizona
14 41.28% Illinois
15 41.14% Massachusetts
16 40.81% Alabama
17 40.81% Connecticut
18 40.51% Singapore
19 40.50% Washington
20 40.46% Maryland
21 40.25% Utah
22 40.20% Arkansas
23 40.05% Virginia
24 39.97% Canada
25 39.83% District of Columbia
26 39.57% Albania
27 39.17% Philippines
28 39.09% Australia
29 38.71% Oregon
30 38.20% Texas
31 37.91% Colorado
32 37.70% Pennsylvania
33 36.95% Georgia
34 36.88% Ohio
35 36.86% Michigan
36 36.79% Florida
37 35.88% United Kingdom
38 35.82% North Carolina
39 35.54% Minnesota
40 33.68% Sweden
41 33.29% Italy
42 31.00% Turkey

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