How Can An Asian Man Be Famous?

By Dyske    February 21st, 2011

This is pretty sad and funny. But given that over-achieving Asians are a dime a dozen, he would probably have a better chance of becoming famous.

2 Responses

  1. Shen says:

    I thought this was more funny than sad. He did mention numerous Asians who were/are successful in their endeavors. If his point was that it’s more likely for white people to become more famous than Asians in the states, that may be flawed as well. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. You the individual make the choices that lead where your life goes. The US despite hidden prejudices whether conscious or not held by many people, still offer fluidity in social advancement that many other nations do not.

  2. subalterns says:

    man — you forgot keni styles 🙁