By Dyske April 11th, 2009
Itoen green tea
When you go to a Japanese supermarket here in New York, you see a lot of different kinds of green tea. It’s hard to pick even for Japanese people who can read the labels. Here is my choice. This is by Itoen. The reason why I like this one is because it doesn’t have any powdered green tea in it. Many of them mix powdered green tea into the green tea leaves. They advertise it like it’s a good thing, but I find it annoying because the powdered tea could have all sorts of crap in it. It’s like cocaine or heroin; once it’s in the powdered format, the dealers could cut it with something else to increase the amount. I’m not saying that the Japanese tea manufacturers do the same, but even then, they could be using some low-quality green tea to make the powder.
This one by Itoen was the only one I could find with a decent price that did not have the powdered green tea. The really good ones cost double and beyond. This one was $10.85.