The Bikini Artist Project

By Dyske    December 26th, 2007

Came across this site while searching the web for how Asperger’s Syndrome manifests in Japan. Well, the irony of this search is that people with Asperger’s Syndrome tend to be very literal in understanding words, and Google tends to have a similar problem. This “bikini artist”, Emily Vaughn, has Asperger’s Syndrome, and she lived in Japan for a while. But, I’m happy to find the Biniki Artist Project; it’s quite fascinating.

7 Responses

  1. nicole says:

    This website would be more useful if it actually taught me HOW to distinguish between these three cultures.

  2. Luis Oscar Becerril says:

    i want to play this…….

  3. Emily says:

    nicole, you’re comment made me smile. I’ve changed the site a bit, tried to make it more usable. plus, there is a comic now, updated mon-fri.

  4. Emily says:

    Check out the site again, I’ve started a webcomic about aspergers, japan, and bikinis. let me know what you think.

  5. ethan davidson says:

    As an AS who has also lived in Japan, I have some thoughts.
    While foriegners get a pretty free pass if they are not totaly obnoxiouse, it must be very hard for Japenese with AS.
    They are not ver tolerant of diversity. A proverb is “the nail that stands up gets nailed down.”
    Also, they speak very indirectly. They might say “I think that you might prefer to take the train there” when they mean “no plane goes there.”
    If a visitor says she is leaving, you are suposed to ask her not to twice.
    It must be very hard for them to get a nd hold a job in the corperate structure there.
    On the other hand, they do have a lot of things to do to coupy theire time, interesting films and comics and such, so if your were independantly wealthy, you might do ok.
    But I think it’s good for us to reach out to our AS brothers and sisters in Japan, and other countrys as well.
    By the way, I like your videos, including the ones where you are fully clothed.

  6. ethan davidson says:

    Actualy, especialy those.

  7. Emily says:

    email me at emily at bikiniartist dot com, and I can help you out.